Fourth Tone. By Cosmas the Monk
BEFORE Thy Cross, O Lord, a mountain became like unto Heaven, and a cloud spread out like a tabernacle. When Thou wast transfigured and the Father bare witness to Thee, Peter with James and John were present, for they were to be seen with Thee at the time of Thy betrayal; so that having seen Thy wonders, they might not be afraid at Thy sufferings, which may we be counted worthy to worship in peace, for Thy great mercy’s sake.

BEFORE Thy Cross, O Lord, Thou didst take the disciples up into a high mountain, and Thou wast transfigured before them, illuminating them with the rays of Thy power. For in Thy love for man on one hand, and in Thine authority on the other, Thou hast willed to show them the splendour of the Resurrection. Do Thou grant that we too in peace may be counted worthy thereof, O God, since Thou art merciful and the Friend of man.

When Thou wast transfigured upon a high mountain, O Saviour, having with Thee the chief disciples, Thou didst shine forth with glory, to signify that they who became eminent on the height of virtues, shall also be deemed worthy of divine glory. And when Moses and Elias spake with Christ, they showed that He is the Lord of the living and the dead, and the God that spake of old through the Law and the Prophets. And the voice of the Father bare witness unto Him from a bright cloud, saying: Hear ye Him, Who by His Cross despoileth Hades, and granteth unto the dead life everlasting.

THE mountain once shrouded in gloom and smoke is now honourable and holy, whereon Thy feet have stood, O Lord. For the mystery hid before the ages hath in these last times been made manifest by Thy dread Transfiguration unto Peter, John and James. Since they could not endure the radiance of Thy countenance and the brightness of Thy garments, they were borne down to the ground upon their faces; and seized with amazement, they marveled as they saw Moses and Elias speaking with Thee of the things that should befall Thee. And a voice from heaven bare witness, say in: This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him. It is He that granteth the world great mercy.

Glory: both now. Plagal of Second Tone. By Anatolius
PREFIGURING Thy Resurrection, O Christ God, Thou didst take Thy three disciples, Peter, James, and John, and didst ascend upon Tabor. And when Thou wast transfigured, O Saviour, the Mount of Tabor was covered with light. Thy disciples cast themselves upon the ground, O Word, for they could not endure to look on the form that none may behold. The Angels ministered with fear and trembling, the heavens shuddered and the earth quaked, beholding upon earth the Lord of Glory.

For the Entreaty. Second Tone
CHRIST, the Light that was before the sun, goeth about incarnate upon the earth; and before the Cross, accomplishing in a manner worthy of God all things pertaining to His dread dispensation, He mystically revealeth the image of the Trinity today upon Mount Tabor. For having taken aside the three preferred disciples, Peter, James, and John, He led them up with Him; and concealing for a while the flesh He had assumed, He was transfigured before them, openly revealing the majesty of the original beauty, and not yet in full, but only as they were able to receive, having bodily eyes. For while giving them full assurance, He also spared them, lest at the sight they should lose their very lives. And He brought forward the most eminent of the Prophets, even Moses and Elias, who also, as far as in them lay, bare witness to His Divinity, and that He is the true Effulgence of the Father’s Essence, the Lord of the loving and the dead. Wherefore, a cloud compassed them round about like a tent; and from above, the voice of the Father resounded out of the cloud, bearing witness and saying: This is My beloved Son, Whom I changelessly begat from the womb before the morning star; Him have I sent to save them that be baptized unto the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and who faithfully confess that the one Dominion of the Godhead is indivisible. Hear ye Him. Do Thou Thyself, therefore, O Christ God, Thou Friend of man, make us also to shine with the light of thine unapproachable glory, and show us forth as worthy heirs of Thy Kingdom, which hath no end; for Thou art supremely good.

For the Aposticha, the following Stichera:

He that once spake in figures unto Moses on Mount Sinai: saying, I am He Who Is, today was transfigured upon Mount Tabor before the disciples. Having taken on the nature of man, He showed in Himself the original beauty of its image. And bringing Moses and Elias into His presence as witnesses of this grace, He made them partakers of the gladness, foretelling His departure by the Cross, and His saving Resurrection.

Verse: Thine are the heavens, and Thine is the earth; the world and the fullness thereof hast Thou founded.

DAVID, the ancestor of God, forseeing in the Spirit Thy coming unto men in the flesh, O Only‐begotten Son, from afar calleth out: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in Thy Name. For when Thou wentest up into this mountain with Thy disciples O Saviour, Thou wast transfigured, making the nature that was darkened in Adam to shine like lightning once again, and transforming it into the glory and brightness of Thy Divinity. Wherefore, we cry unto Thee: O Creator of all, Lord, glory be to Thee.

Verse: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in Thy Name.

WHEN the foremost Apostles saw the uncontainable flood of Thy light upon the Mount of the Transfiguration, O beginningless Christ, and Thy Godhead unto which no man may approach, they were changed with a divine ecstasy; and when the bright cloud shone upon them round about, they heard the Father’s voice confirming the mystery of Thine assumption of man’s nature. For even after Thine incarnation, Thou art One, the only‐begotten Son and Saviour of the world.

Glory; both now. Plagal of Second Tone
TODAY upon Mount Tabor, O Lord, Thou hast shown the glory of Thy divine form unto Thy preferred disciples, Peter, John, and James. For they saw Thy garments flashing like the light and Thy countenance brighter than the sun; and since they could not bear to look upon Thine unendurable radiance, they fell to the ground, in no wise able to lift up their gaze. For they heard a voice bearing witness from on high: This is My beloved Son, Who is come into the world to save man.

Text: Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA.